Brief Bio

I am a recent graduate of Northwestern University in political science (BA) and computer science (MS). As an intern at Deloitte, I was in the Enterprise Performance (EP) group within Government and Public Services (GPS) on a Federal project. I am most interested in projects that combine my interest in politics, foreign affairs, and technology. My technical skills include front-end UI development, data modeling and data visualizations, and machine learning. In addition, I am skilled in written and verbal communication, leadership, and rigorous critical thinking. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative work and study helps me brainstorm creative solutions to problems: in my recent role at NSIN, my team was able to build a dashboard that combined quantitative country-level data with social science explanations for testing. Outside of work, I enjoy singing and playing guitar, hiking / skiing, and working out.


Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, html, Python, Racket
Tools: Git, pandas, Tableau, X-Code, Excel, NumPy, PyTorch, SQL
Data Analysis: I enjoy quantitative analysis and have some experience analyzing large sets of data. As an intern at Rief Legal, I utilized my then rudimentary data analysis skills to parse and sort case data, trying to find innovative ways to organize the cases in a way that is easy for Mr. Rief. I am developing my skills with tools such as python, R, and Stata through research opportunities through URG, workshops, and projects.
Leadership: Holding leadership positions in X-Factors a cappella in college as well as on student government and performing arts in high school, I have a breadth of experience working with others and leading: as treasurer of my a cappella group, I apply for funding each quarter, manage our organization’s finances, and fundraise for our various projects; thus far, I have helped us pay off a long-standing previous debt from previous recording contracts. I am also involved in Northwestern’s Center for Leadership and utilize their coaching in order to develop my leadership style and tactics. In high school as Student Body President, I led initiatives such as the implementing healthy relationship and sexual violence training and started an internship program tying students to the community.
Critical Thinking:My affinity for intellectual rigor has influenced my course and concentration focuses. On the quantitative side, I began my freshman year with the MENU MATH 290 sequence, which immediately exposed me to the intellectual rigor and critical thinking required of proofs. On the qualitative side, growing up reading the political philsophy of Marx, Nietzsche, Locke, and Descartes and now pursuing courses and research on 'the philosophical side of things' in college allowed for further development of this skill.
Foreign Languages: Arabic: studied for two years so far in college;, Spanish: have experience from high school and conversing in Spanish in various contexts
Written and oral communication: I can communicate effectively and succinctly through written and verbal mediums to different types of audiences. My interdisciplinary background allows me to relate in some way to many different people. This also helps me effectively communicate complex technical concepts to a non-technical audience, which is crucial for garnering monetary resources and investment.

Academic Interests

I studied American political system and have written on topics such as global ethnic conflict, development theory of world systems, American foreign policy, and voting behavior in modern industrialized democracies. In addition, I am interested in politics in the Middle East. Through my coursework on comparative politics, international relations, and American foreign policy in addition to my study of the Arabic language, I have tried to immerse myself in the cultural, historical, and political traditions to develop a nuanced perspective on global events. In my writing, a goal of mine is to weigh varying perspectives and methodologies, and to provide careful consideration to how class impacts academic discourses. On upcoming projects, I hope to further utilize my quantitative and data analysis skills to probe these social science questions.


I love playing, listening to, and singing all types of music; I play guitar, piano, and I sing. For me, music is both a passion and an emotional outlet. My music writing is sporadic, but some are posted on Spotify with my music group BAFFHAUS where we at one point had over 2,000 monthly listeners. I have done several features for other artists. In addition, I sing with an a cappella group at Northwestern called X-Factors a cappella. I hope to continue to develop my musical intuition and create more projects. If you would like to work together on something, I would love to hear about it.

Recent Work

Project Notegen - Music Generation

Our project employs a VQ-VAE in a convolutional architecture to create a versatile and compact musical note representation, enabling compression, generation, and seamless interpolation across instruments and pitch, prototyping new music synthesis and virtual instrument possibilities.

IndoPacific Sentiment Analysis Project

Leverage data relating to Indo-Pacific countries of interest to build a dashboard with sentiment analysis visuals for cross-functional stakeholders (Tableau/Python)

Get In Touch

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you want to work on a project of any kind or if you just want to chat.
